January 15, 2010
"The Illusion of Need"
First part of a beautiful essay by Isha Judd on Care2.
"The idea that we need something that we don’t have right now is the root of discontent. We are never completely satisfied with this moment. Even when we get everything we thought we always wanted, it feels like there is something missing. Why? Because we have become so accustomed to waiting for something more, that nothing is ever enough. The habit of feeling dissatisfied has become commonplace in our lives. This is true for the rich and the poor, for the loners and the social butterflies among us."
continued on Care...
image credit: ViaMoi via flickr under a Creative Commons license
January 10, 2010
in the morning, & in the evening
In haste, we lose our aim.
in the day, we forget what we said in the morning
in the evening, we remember again
but is it too late for action?
probably not, as it is never too late to renew your life's goal
image credit: Claudio.Ar via flickr under a Creative Commons license
"The Wheel of Samskara"
An interesting & I think good post by Deepak Chopra on Care2.
"How can I retrieve a sense of self that fits one reality? The answer once again is freedom, yet in a most peculiar way. You must free yourself from decisions. The voice in your head will die down once you stop making choices.
"A samskara is a choice you remember from the past. Each choice changed you by a tiny fraction. The process began at birth and continues to this day. Instead of fighting it, we all believe we should keep on making choices; as a result, we keep adding new samskaras and reinforcing the old ones.
"In Buddhism, this is called the wheel of samskara because the same old reactions keep coming around again and again. In a cosmic sense, the wheel of samskara is what drives a soul from one lifetime to the next – old imprints impel us to face the same problems time and again, even beyond death.
"Kierkegaard wrote that the person who has found God has freed himself from choices. But what does it feel like to have God make your decisions for you? I think you would have to be deeply connected to God to even come close to answering that question.
"Yet in a state of simple awareness, the most evolutionary choices seem to come spontaneously. While the ego agonizes over every detail of a situation, a deeper part of your awareness knows what to do already, and its choices emerge with amazing finesse and perfect timing.
"Hasn’t everyone experienced flashes of clarity in which they suddenly know just what to do? Choiceless awareness is another name for free awareness. By freeing up the choice-maker inside, you reclaim your right to live without boundaries, acting on the will of God with complete trust.
"Adapted from The Book of Secrets, by Deepak Chopra (Harmony Books, 2004)."
via Care2
image credit: lewishamdreamer via flickr under a Creative Commons license
January 3, 2010

make Love your target
make Love your goal
make Love those things and your whole process of life will be filled with love
image credit: millzero via flickr
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