Great video, beautiful, with a couple of Native American prophecies about the "Rainbow Warriors" -- people from all colors & all corners of the Earth restoring the health of the planet. Beautiful. Well-done. And beautiful music by Enigma as well.
December 29, 2009
December 28, 2009
“Your Creative Power”

This is a great article from Deepak Chopra. First part here, and then link to the original post on Care2.
“The deepest reality you are aware of is the one from which you draw your power. For someone who is conscious only of the material world, power is limited to material forces; but at a more profound level there is a creative power shaping the mind and body – the power of evolution, or dharma.“
image credit: play4smee via flickr under a Creative Commons license
December 21, 2009
Love is a Gift, but a Fragile Gift
one we can Nurture & it will grow
or one we can forget about
be indifferent to
lose in anger or greed or pride or lust
Love is a Gift
nurture it
In yourself
December 9, 2009
Love the light

in the shadow of night,
we have the ability to see the light of the Lord
but most of the time,
we look for more shadows
image credit: Kuzeytac ( So, SO busy...) via flickr under a Creative Commons license
December 5, 2009
December 4, 2009
December 3, 2009
The Nature of Love
by Isha Judd
"On the peaks of the Andes, water turns into snow. It changes form, but it’s still water. Then it changes again and becomes a glacier, a river of ice. Then the lake and the sun seduce the glacier and it starts to melt and unite with the river. It too is incredibly beautiful, the bluest blue you have ever seen. Yet it is still water.
"Love is like this too. As your consciousness expands, you realize that love is all there is. Everything in the universe is a manifestation of this love. The burning furnace at the core of the sun, and the warmth of sunshine on your face; it’s all an expression of love.
"Once you recognize that there is only love, you see the magic and wonder of everything. You see the love in people’s anger, the love in their jealousy, the love even in their hatred. No matter what emotions they express, you recognize that all of it is nothing other than love seeking to break through.
"Tears can be running down your face because you think you’re suffering. It’s still love. Or you can be mesmerized by the eyes of a lover, and the tears will still be falling. They are still water, and it’s still the love. It never, ever leaves. It’s always there.
"When you are anchored in love-consciousness, love is all you see, and in all its forms, it is perfect."
"Adapted from: Why Walk When You Can Fly, by Isha (New World Library, 2008).
"Isha Judd is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher and author; her latest book and movie, Why Walk When You Can Fly? explain her system for self-love and the expansion of consciousness. Learn more at"
via Care2
November 22, 2009
November 21, 2009
November 20, 2009
"The Pursuit of Happiness Becomes True Happiness"
agree with much of it
by Norm Ephraim, Ed.D.
"Let’s face it. We all want to be happy. The pursuit of happiness is a common pursuit. We all realize, sooner or later, that outer success does not produce lasting happiness.
So what does? Loving ourselves and loving others. In fact, we can only love others authentically when we love ourselves.
So why is it that some people seem to feel self love easily, while others spend their lives searching in relationships or career accomplishments to find it? While it may seem cliche, the answer does seem to point to experiences in childhood.
What we know as self esteem begins, originally, in the esteem parents have for their children. Through the simplest acts of touch, attention to feelings, and guidance toward accomplishment, a child comes to see their own worth reflected in their parents’ eyes. They see themselves as love-able i.e. worthy and able to be loved.
These feelings are so powerful that they have been found to influence longevity. When through various forms of abuse and neglect a child fails to get this mirror of love, two things happen. First the child begins to take in the feeling of defectiveness or un-loveability. Since, to a child, a parent is God, parental abuse and neglect (including insensitivity to feelings) is experienced as justified. "If mommy or daddy treats me this way, it must be my fault."
A second thing also happens. Children are masters at devising strategies to get love or prevent abandonment. A common "protective strategy" is perfectionism. "If I'm perfect, then mommy or daddy will love me."
The search for perfection can become a lifetime one, whether it be for the perfect partner, the perfect accomplishment, or the perfect amusement or "high." But the result will always be disappointing. Nothing can replace self love.
Is there hope for those who didn't get enough love in childhood? The answer is a resounding yes!!..."continued at
in the twilight of life
we forget the drives for the outer world
we reminisce on what we once were, or once thought ourselves to be
& we look a little deeper into what we are beneath this life
we are coming to a close on
life brings more meaning,
maybe not more attempts at meaning
but more meaning
but do we find light?
or do we only find the beginning of an almost timeless search again?...
we find more meaning
that is enough for now
let us enjoy this twilight
& look a little more closely at the life in front of us, in us, and surrounding us on all sides
in the twilight of life,
we can see things in a new way
November 19, 2009
November 17, 2009
a gift we are given everyday
whether we open it or not, is up to us
November 16, 2009
love is becoming
in becoming what we are in our deepest insides
Soul's Essence
~Sardar Bahadur Maharaj Ji